Sunday, May 30, 2010

Rock On

Yesterday was a day of great joy and much sadness for me.

Yesterday my oldest son, Alexander, graduated from high school.

I awoke that morning in tears.
This was the day that I had tried to dream about for eighteen years.

The day that my son was born,  the nurse placed him in my arms
and as I counted all of his fingers and toes, I tried to imagine our future.

You see, I was still in high school myself.
I was seventeen and very nervous.
There was no turning back now.
I tried with all of my might to imagine what type of man he would become
and if I could live up to being a good mother for him.

Over the years I've watched him grow
and become his own person.

As he sat amonst the seven hundred plus graduates in his class,
I sat and recalled his entire life.
His first word...."Dada."
His first steps...trying to take the curlers out of my hair when he was ll months old.
His first tooth....when he was six months old.
His first day of school....when he was four.
His first fight...age five...with a boy on his school bus.
His first little league game...when he was eight.
His first girlfriend...when he was fifteen.
Now, his first day setting out as a man.

It is so hard to believe that this is the same baby that I held in my arms.
The same little boy who could really cared less about baseball
and the same little boy who seemed all grown up.

Alex took the day in stride.
He was so calm and I was a nervous wreck.
The prinicipal asked the parents of the graduates to please stand for recognition.
Alex looked up at me in the stands and raised his arm
in the "rock on" hand gesture as he was all smiles.
I gave the "rock on" gesture back
then sat down and cried into my tissue
while Mr. M. hugged me.

As Alexander Vincent Price had his name called
and walked across the stage to receive his diploma,
he immediately gave the "rock on" gesture
to a screaming audience of approximately three thousand people
who loved it, with me being his biggest fan.

As he returned to his seat, Alex looked back into the audience to see if I was still there.

I hope that he knows that I will forever be right here watching and cheering
as he continues to make firsts in his life.
We've grown so much, him and I, and the bond that we have is immeasurable.

From the day he was born, I read Alex a book that said
"I'll love you forever."
"I'll like you for always."
"As long as I'm living, my baby you'll be."

Rock on Alex as you continue your journey through this life.
Always know that my baby you'll be.


  1. Congratulations to both of you, that's quite a journey and one that I hope will carry on for many years to come. Rock on!!

  2. Amazing post! Congratulations to proud mother and son! May your lives be filled with many more joyous events!

  3. Oh how they grow SO fast! The oldest are always the one's the catch your heart the most. They were our first baby's, and even though you never want to let on to their siblings, they do hold a special place in our hearts! Mine are now, 30,28, and 26! I have two grandbabies, one on the way, and am still amazed at the passage of time!

    Take care, Sue

  4. This is the sweetest post!
    You look all verklempt in that last photo. :-)

    Congrats to Alex!

  5. Hi,

    i am new to your blog...but thought your post was BEAUTIFUL...congrats to everyone....

    stop by for a visit,

    love company,

    kitsch n Stuff

  6. Congratulations to Alex, and special hugs for you!

    My eldest daughter turned 35 today - and when I woke up this morning, I remembered holding her for the first time and telling her that I was her Mama, as if it happened this morning.

    We never forget a thing, and we never stop loving them with all our heart.

  7. gonna make me cry now!
    sniff sniff!
    NE-VAH would I thought you'd go and get all sentimental in are WAY too tough for that! hahahaha
    But, there's nothing like a mother's love huh?
    I'm feelin' ya...I had my son at 17, a senior in high school. When I saw him on the same high school stage graduating in 2007, I didn't have tears but I did have pride knowing that WE did something good! :)
    Now...I'm kicking his ass 'cause he quit college after two years to "find himself".
    Now I'm asking myself...where did I go wrong? haha
    Congrats to Alex.
    Congrats to you.
    Rock on...both of you!

  8. Congrats to you both!!!! It is so fun to watch them grow and become wonderful young men... I know I have been down this road and it was so fun....

    Wishing him a great life that both of you pray for....


  9. Congrats to Alex! This was the sweetest post!

    It won't be long before mine will be goes too fast!

  10. Well crap. Now I'm crying. LOL Good grief - you are a writer Angelique. I am so proud of BOTH of you!!! Can I just copy and paste this when man-child graduates in a few years?

    I can't wait to see you on Saturday!!! Go give Alex another "rock on" and hug!!!


  11. congratulations!!!!!! i know the feeling all too well, hold on tight, mine walked out the back door 3.5 weeks after graduation to go off to Parris Island to become a Marine! Congratulations to your beautiful son, Ihope & pray that he is successful in EVERYTHING that he does!!! And, congratulations to you too :) God Bless

  12. I found you via 320 Sycamore. What a beautiful post; your retrospect is lovely. I was fighting to hold back the tears. Can I make a suggestion? How about creating a Shutterfly book of this post. It would make such a nice keepsake for him. Congratulations to both of you.


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