I hit junk pay dirt........
Did you hear me??
Paayyyyyyyy duuuuuurt!!!!
Mr. M and I were child free (WOOOOOO HOOOO)!!
We went curbside cruising and to a flea market close by and scored big time!!!
More of those little projects later.
I went to visit my parents in my hometown and saw my great grandmother's house that is marked for demolition.
The house suffered tremendous damage after Hurricane Ike and couldn't be salvaged.
I asked my parents if I could have somethings from the house before it was destroyed.
They looked at my like I was crazy.
There's no furniture or any personal belongings in the house.
My great grandmother passed away when I was eleven.
I asked for the doorknobs and the french door that led to the kitchen.
My parents were like, "If you're willing to go in there and get it, you can have it."
So off I went.
Mr. M was not amused.
There was mold everywhere people...I've probably developed a case of black lung as I type.
The roof was pretty much gone and the floors were rotting through.
The doorknobs were rusted but came without a fight.
(I think they were glad to be rescued.)
The french door was won single handed by Mr. M who bravely fought off a whole nest of wasps!!
(I love that man!!)
As I was walking out, there was a window pane that used to be in the kitchen just sitting on the floor, so I brought it home.
Here it is.
It had a small family of spiders living on it and enough dirt and grime to make ANYONE shudder.
I didn't care.
I spent a many day looking out that window when I was young and I loved that window.
So I cleaned her up and evicted the spiders....I'm sorry but sometimes bad things happen to good spiders.
And here she is...
I decided to add a vinyl wall word quote that I had purchased from Hob Lob many moons ago.
I thought that the quote was perfect for this occasion.
She is now hanging on the wall and will soon be accompanied by some other window frames that
will showcase some family photos.
I still have a view from this window... to all of the wonderful memories I had with my great-grandmother.
P.S. Don't forget to check out my giveaway here!!!!