"The rose speaks of love silently, in a language known only to the heart.”
Today is the two month wedding anniversary for the divine Mr. M and me.
Mr. M told me to close my eyes and placed the flowers above in my hand (all dressed up in a long rose box and everything!)
The box held one yellow rose and two white ones.
Mr. M is a soft spoken man and he's not the most eloquent of speakers but today he spoke volumes to my heart.
He said, "The yellow one is for our wedding day and the white ones are for each month we've shared since then."
I almost melted.
On our second date, Mr. M presented me with one of the most beautiful yellow roses I have ever seen in my life without even knowing that yellow roses are my all time favorite flower.
I truly thought that he had asked my best friend about my favorite flower but he just commented, "Nope. I didn't ask nobody. It just looked like...you."
Words could not express my love for this man. He is my touchstone. He is my rockstar and country boy all rolled into one. I am so blessed that he is a part of my life.
As I felt the tears welling up in my eyes, I looked up at Mr. M who had the sweetest smile on his face and said....
"This is sooooo going on my blog." (sniff, sniff)