I am participating in
Metamorphasis Monday with Between Naps on the Porch,
Thrifty Findswith Southern Hospitality and
Make Your Monday with Twice Remembered.

And Kimm with
Reinvented who is hosting a great giveaway along with
A Soft Place to Land!
Check these ladies and all of the great posts that they have!!!
Do you see this poor bench sitting at my back door?

His name is Henry.
I found Henry this week while driving home one day. Someone had thrown this poor dear in the ditch. I was squealing into my cellphone to my sister that I had to go.
(I'm sure she thought that I had hit a truck or something .)
I brought Henry home and sat him on my very small porch at my back door. That's when I realized how uninviting my back door was and that something neede to be done.

Henry is a bench of substance. Solid wood. Look at those rusted nails and chippy paint.

Henry has weathered many storms..and probably a few hurricanes as well.

When I rescued Henry, I found this poor thing as well. Can you guess what it is?

What if I pull the covers back for a peek?

It's a wooden tool box!!!!
I know...I know......
For such a small town, it has a treasure for great junk. (No, I will not tell you where I live.)
It has compartments and is a really good size.!!! (Spazzy dance time!!!)
I decided to make my back door more "me."

The first thing I did was make this wreath that I had been putting off for the longest. I got the square styrofoam wreath from Michael's. It was being discontinued so I got it for 75 cents. I got the greenery from Hob Lob at 50% off.
(Is it me or does anyone else have to walk through that store humming "Yield Not To Temptation"?)
I hung it with some gorgeous red toile fabric. I know that toile is passe these days, but I'm french. I can't help it.

Here is my new back door!!!
I painted Henry with Rustoleum Colonial Red. I am giving MAAAAD props to this stuff!!! I thought all the hype about Rustoleum was just that..hype. Oh noooooooo!!!! This is the real deal!!!! I will NEVER go back to the other improvement stores brand of paint again.
(I'm not calling any names, but you know who you are and you know that you sell crappy spray paint.)
I painted the tool box in Rustoleum Heirloom White. Ladies!!!!! Ya'll were soooooo right about this color!!! It is my second BFF. I found it in abundance!!!!!
(You still cannot know where I live...giggle.)

I made the topiary out of an exsisting topiary that I bought at the Salvation Army. Just imagine a very 90's thingy with magnolias all over it....yeah...I know.
I simply removed all of the hideous...and I mean heeedeeeeeooos...flowers and replaced it with greenery that I bought at Hob Lob. I placed it in the terra cotta pot that I found on another curb cruising excursion and voila!

I love typography so much that I couldn't resist putting it by my back door.
I know that I've seen many doors painted with their house numbers on them but I didn' want to commit to performing plastic surgery on my back door under the influence of several Nyquil and Theraflu. That would simply be unethical. So, I tried it on my tool box. I lurve it!!!! I simply added some faux hydrangeas from Hob Lob and there you have it.

I'm very happy with my new back door decor. I definitely think that it gives such a feel for me and my house as well as it brightens up my day when I come home.
I hope that if you get a chance to come by, you'll stop and speak to Henry and feel instantly at home.