P.S. Don't forget about my giveaway!!!!!!!!!! There's still time!!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
It's a Mad, Mad World
P.S. Don't forget about my giveaway!!!!!!!!!! There's still time!!!
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Window with a view

Friday, August 28, 2009
Cause Ya Gotta Have Friends....
Here are the official rules of the award.
Thursday, August 27, 2009
It's My Party and I'll Giveaway if I Want To!!!
Monday, August 24, 2009
Tag...I'm IT!!!!!!!!!
Once Again....
Sunday, August 23, 2009
The Summer of '69...forty years later
A child of the seventies....yes.
A child of the sixties...no.
I have my own nightmares about macrame and courdorouy that will blow your mind.
So imagine when my kiddos saw this at Joann's and begged to have it.....
Tori ,my six year-old, started off the shoot with her pink and blue tie dye that featured her iron on.
She was truly a natural in front of the camera.
Taylor, my eight year-old, did her creation in lime green with her iron on.
She photographs beautifully! She didn't have a single bad frame.
Daviss, my eleven year-old is definitely the strong,quiet type.
Telling an autistic child to "act natural" in front of the camera is a little harder than it seems.
His camoflouge came out amazing!
Even the Divine Mr. M got in on the action with his black and white tie dye that he did himself.
Doesn't he look good by my bike? (yes, it's really mine.)
You can see why he's my rockstar.
My girls wanted something very hippy to tie dye, so they made another set of shirts which prompted another photo shoot.....The Summer of '69.
Friday, August 21, 2009
Please Go Away....
It's raining here...again.
I love the rain....most days.
Today I want it to stop raining.
I have too much to do and thunder and lightning are putting a damper to my plans.
I once told Mr. M that I had always wished to be kissed in the rain (like on "The Notebook".)
One day it was STORMING outside.
Mr. M came home and pulled me out into our backyard.
I thought Mr. M had lost his mind and that I was surely going to be struck by lightning.
Mr. M pulled me close and gave me the biggest kiss ever.
I was stunned.
(See why I love him so?)
He just stood there smiling.
I ran in the house. (Still afraid of being struck by lightning.)
I kinda hope he doesn't come home and pull that stunt again.
I love him but I don't want to be electrocuted.
So have a great (and hopefully dry ) day.
I'm going to put my raincoat on .....just in case :)
Thursday, August 20, 2009
A Rose By Any Other Name...
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Price My $pace

2.I purchased the clock several years ago for $100. It does keep time (when the batteries are not dead.) It's always been a great focal and conversation piece.
3. The shelves are made from a scaffolding plank and mounted to the wall with some brackets that we already had=free! The frames are from Walmart and cost a total of $15.
4. The typography on the wall was from an old taco restaurant sign that I saw on the side of the road so once again the price is free!
5. The coffee table is a trunk that I purchased at Hob Lob about five years ago. I got it on clearance for around $40. I found the tray at GW along with the asian tea set for a total of $6. The pinecones are from our wedding in Colorado. I simply added the fabric from my stash to pull it together.
6. Each of the lamps are from GW that I simply spraypainted in black. Most of the accessories are GW finds totaling around $30 total.
(BTW, supa sweet MIL bought us the rug....fuh-reeee!)

7. One of my crown jewels of thrifting. I bought this mirror at a resale shop for $20. She's now spraypainted with oil rubbed bronze. I love her!
8.My newest find is this buddha candleholder for $30 from Target.
9. The fleur de lis finial is from Hob Lob on clearance for $4. The fleur de lis bookends are a GW find for $5.
10. My supa sweet MIL bought the candleholder in my fireplace (since it's capped off) so it was fuhreeee!!! I purchased the candles at Hob Lob for $8.
11. The pillows came with the couch except for the square one in the previous pic. It was also a GW find at $3.
12. I forgot about the curtains..I got these at Lowes for 100.00...sorry.
So, all in all, my living room came to approximately $361 with perhaps the purchase of spray paint. The overall look to the room is a little masculine for my taste, but it is something that Mr. M and I can both agree on and live with.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
It's Good to be Queen

Actually, I am a queen.
I am queen of my own castle (even if it doesn happen to be on a corner lot.)
I have a king who loves and adores me (although he leaves his socks on the floor.)
There are two handsome princes who are training to take over our rule and be valiant knights (on Playstation 2.)
There are two beautiful princesses who are the fairest in the land and have suitors at their doorstep at every turn
(they happen to be a pig and a frog but it's what's on the inside that counts.)
I have a lady in waiting who is with me at every step I make (even though she has four legs and is actually waiting for me to accidentally drop some food on the floor.)
I ride in the finest carriages and wear only the finest of clothes
(that just happen to be my truck and my work scrubs about 90% of the time.)
Above all, I live in the finest kingdom in the land and I wouldn't trade it for all of the world's riches.
What are you queen of?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Back Door Decor
with Southern Hospitality and Make Your Monday with Twice Remembered.

And Kimm with Reinvented who is hosting a great giveaway along with A Soft Place to Land!
Check these ladies and all of the great posts that they have!!!
Do you see this poor bench sitting at my back door?

His name is Henry.
I found Henry this week while driving home one day. Someone had thrown this poor dear in the ditch. I was squealing into my cellphone to my sister that I had to go. (I'm sure she thought that I had hit a truck or something .)
I brought Henry home and sat him on my very small porch at my back door.
That's when I realized how uninviting my back door was and that something neede to be done.

Henry has weathered many storms..and probably a few hurricanes as well.

It's a wooden tool box!!!!
It has compartments and is a really good size.!!! (Spazzy dance time!!!)
I decided to make my back door more "me."

I hung it with some gorgeous red toile fabric. I know that toile is passe these days, but I'm french. I can't help it.

Here is my new back door!!!
I painted the tool box in Rustoleum Heirloom White. Ladies!!!!! Ya'll were soooooo right about this color!!! It is my second BFF. I found it in abundance!!!!!

I made the topiary out of an exsisting topiary that I bought at the Salvation Army. Just imagine a very 90's thingy with magnolias all over it....yeah...I know.

Sunday Blessings

When I discovered the dresser drawer for Shuga's new bed, My husband discovered something else. Mr. M. discovered a golden class ring that was left in the drawer. We knew that the people were moving and we went back to the house, but sadly no one was there. After several attempts of going by the home, we still had not returned the ring. Mr. M thought that we could then sell the ring since the owners had moved, but I told him that was not sufficient for me. I knew that this man had kept this ring for a reason as it was important to him and I wanted to give every effort to return him the ring.
Saturday, my husband drove to the store (as I am still sick as a dog) and came home excited. The owners of the house were having a garage sale. He stopped and talked to the owner of the house and asked him if he still owned his class ring. The man said he did still have his class ring and described it perfectly. I got dressed and went down the street with the ring. The man and his family were so thrilled that I had found and returned the ring. The ring apparently fell out of a small box that he stored it in and he had no idea that it was even missing.
The owner of the ring was so grateful that he told us to take whatever we wanted. We kindly declined the offer as we expected nothing in return, but the owner said , "It's eleven o'clock and I'm fixing to give this stuff to Goodwill. Please take it." We started talking and as soon as he discovered that we had children , came out with a bicycle in very good condition for the girls and a very nice basketball goal for the boys. He asked me why I wanted just that dresser drawer and I told him about this blog. He then gave me a large mirror, a christmas tree and a large matted print. He told me I couldn't refuse. I didn't. Our families stood and talked for some time and then parted ways.
I believe in doing the right thing. I believe in sowing good seeds. It's not about the accolades from men of prestige or for reward or show. If the owner of the ring had given me nothing more than a "Thank You," I would have been more than satisfied. Knowing that I did what my heavenly father would have wanted me to do is more than enough for me.
Consider the seeds that you are sowing and make them good ones.