Tuesday, August 17, 2010

In my excitement to give ya'll one of my greatest giveaways,
I totally forgot to tell you when it ends!!!

Mark your calendars for August 31st 'cuz that's when
this baby's commin' to a close.

Now, you have two choices....
You can either...

A.  Keep this wonderful giveaway to yourself
B. Share the love and tell the world about the fabulousness
 (is that a word?)
going on over at Six in One Hand.

I prefer that you do "B"..


Cuz I'd like to give my other 25 dollars away
or I can go shopping with it....

Your choice.

I've even made it easier for you to get the word out.

See that big 'ol button on my sidebar?
Yep, that's it.

Just slap it on your sidebar and you've shared some bloggy love.

Isn't that easy???

Whatcha waiting for?

Grab a button and grab yourself  some quick moolah.

Just don't forget to tell me you told the world
so I can share my piece of the pie...
or shoes...
or bling...
or whatever strikes your fancy.


  1. Hi, hope it's OK to contact you here. We would love to include

    your blog on our giveaway search engine: Giveaway Scout

    (http://www.giveawayscout.com). Have a look and if interested,

    use our online form to add your blog

    (http://www.giveawayscout.com/addblog/ ). thanks, Josh

  2. The only way you could make it any easier is just come over and do it for me. I'm on it!

  3. Great job, Angelique!
    I grabbed it. :-)


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